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Did you know we are the FIRST Chapter of the ACC?

One of the pivotal moments in its history is that we have chapters and our chapter network is strong and vibrant. As ACC celebrates its 75th Anniversary, we were able to look back on our chapter and its role - click below to read the article in Cardiology Magazine. And cheers to us for the past while we continue to forge ahead and be your cardiology home!

Cardiology Today image

President's Message

february 2025

Dear FCACC Members:

Every year, the chapters of the ACC submit “state of the state” reports on everything they have accomplished. This year, I am proud to say that the Florida chapter has done so much amazing work, that we could barely fit the report into the maximum allowable space. Thank you to all of our incredible leaders, committee chairs, board of directors, and other volunteers for everything you do to make the Florida chapter such a success. Below are just a few of our highlights from the past year.

Relevance as the cardiovascular professional home: Our Women Cardiologists (WIC) committee received a grant from the ACC to build a series of workshops targeting internal medicine residents and medical students interested in a career in cardiology. Our board members created local events in districts across the state to have dinner and network with members and engage in conversations about the current state of cardiology practice. We partnered with the ACC Puerto Rico chapter to exchange hosting Fellows In Training at one another’s annual meetings.

Generate and deliver actionable knowledge: We had our largest annual meeting ever with 250 members and over 600 total attendees. We had a record number of breakout sessions on a wide variety of clinical topics. Our FIT Section Leadership built the FL-FIT Leadership Academy, a 10-month virtual course offering insight from leadership around the state on different topics such as mentoring, successful communication, gaps in care, changing clinical management, early career challenges, women in cardiology, burnout and involvement in the profession.

Advancing quality, equity, and value of cardiovascular care. We sent several members to participate in the Florida Legislature’s Doctor of the Day program. Our members provided clinical services to people working in the Capitol building, as well as interacting with lawmakers and building relationships to support early access to defibrillators, promotion of healthy lifestyles, and practice changing bills related to a wide variety of topics.

Ensuring educational growth and sustainability: After an amazing trip to Madrid and Vigo last year, we are set to expand our program with the Spanish Society of Cardiology this year with another two city program (Madrid & Córdoba) and educational content that we will be able to bring back to our members as a recorded video. Click here for more information.

ACC.25 in Chicago is just around the corner and it will be time for me to hand the reins of the Florida chapter over to our next president, Dr. David Kenigsberg. He is an exceptional leader, a passionate advocate, and the Florida chapter is very lucky to have someone like him taking charge.


David Winchester, MD, MS, FACC

President, Florida Chapter ACC

The Florida Chapter ACC supports the American College of Cardiology’s statement of support for the Ukrainian people; see this link for the full statement.

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Florida Chapter, American College of Cardiology
3208 E. Colonial Drive, Suite 264

Orlando, FL 32803

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