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Did you know we are the FIRST Chapter of the ACC?

One of the pivotal moments in its history is that we have chapters and our chapter network is strong and vibrant. As ACC celebrates its 75th Anniversary, we were able to look back on our chapter and its role - click below to read the article in Cardiology Magazine. And cheers to us for the past while we continue to forge ahead and be your cardiology home!

Cardiology Today image

President's Message

September 2024

Dear FCACC Members,

What an amazing summer! Members of the Florida Chapter ACC have been busy and accomplished some amazing things. Back in June, we took our delegation of CV Team members to Spain once more, enjoying the hospitality of the Sociedad Espanola de Cardiologia both in Madrid and Vigo (where our visit was covered in the local newspaper!) We hope you can join next year. 

FCACC in Spain

The Florida Chapter visits Madrid

After that, our members represented us at the Florida Medical Association House of Delegates. Thanks to everyone who served as a delegate and we always have room for more to participate in this leadership and health policy role. Lastly, we wrapped up another AMAZING annual meeting at the Contemporary Resort and Walt Disney World. Our education team assembled a world class lineup of speakers and we hosted ACC President Cathie Biga. The President’s celebration was held at Hollywood Studios on the Indiana Jones soundstage and we had the distinct pleasure of celebrating Jennifer’s 20 years with the Florida Chapter, thanks so much!!

Annual Meeting photo

President’s Celebration August 2024

Looking forward, there is a lot going on this fall as well. 

    1. Applications are open for the ACC Committees, Sections, and Councils. Applications are due September 13 and Statements of Reference are due September 16. ACC Applications:
    2. The new American Board of CV Medicine has announced their Board of Directors, with ACC leader Jeffrey Kuvin as the President. Their application to have a separate board from the ABIM is still under review by the ABMS. As we have mentioned before, until you are told to do so you need to KEEP DOING YOUR MOC process!! Do not skip the ten-year exam, the ACC CMP or the LKA process. This is important to ensure that, assuming the ABCVM is approved, your certification can be transferred in good standing. ABCVM:
    3. We are heading to Washington, DC this month for Legislative Conference and to lobby on behalf of the entire CV team. Stay tuned for highlights of our visits to Capitol Hill.

Hoping you all are staying happy and healthy,


David Winchester, MD, MS, FACC

President, Florida Chapter ACC logo


ABMS Seeking Comments on the Proposed CV Board

The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) has announced the start of a 90-day Public Comment Period seeking input on the new, independent Board of Cardiovascular Medicine proposed by the ACC, American Heart Association, Heart Failure Society of America, Heart Rhythm Society and The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions. The comment period is a critical part of the ABMS application review and an important opportunity for the cardiovascular community, hospitals and health systems, patients and other stakeholders to show their support for the new Board and engage in the decision-making process.

All comments must be submitted electronically by July 24. In addition to providing basic identifying information, including your name and email, the comment form consists of three main questions: 1) Do you agree with the creation of a new American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine; 2) Does the new Board meet ABMS requirements for initial certification; and 3) Does the new Board meet ABMS requirements for continuous certification? Along with indicating your agreement, the form includes opportunities to provide any comments related to your responses, as well as a chance to upload a letter or document. Additional comments on the ways a specialized, independent Board of Cardiovascular Medicine would benefit you, your hospital, practice and/or your patients are strongly encouraged. 

To submit your comments, as well as access detailed FAQs, on-demand webinars and a listing of the initial Board of Directors, visit In addition, we encourage you to help spread the word about the comment period using the social media graphic and sample messaging below. Should you need any additional communication support, please contact Shalen Fairbanks (

The Florida Chapter ACC supports the American College of Cardiology’s statement of support for the Ukrainian people; see this link for the full statement.

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CEU Information is Here

The Florida Chapter ACC Leadership Academy is designed to nurture and support skills 'beyond the clinic.’ 

Click here for details and to apply

ACHD September flyer

FCACC Advocacy

Click here to view the Final 2024 report of bills the FCACC is following.

Florida Chapter, American College of Cardiology
3208 E. Colonial Drive, Suite 264

Orlando, FL 32803

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